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Showing posts from October, 2019

Poem -- Flower

Flower Hushh! They’ll hear you  Crying inconsolably  as you see all you had leaving you Sobbing  As you see your dreams crashing   Smile, they’ll say              For you still have a lot stored for you There are so many reasons  for you to be grateful, for you to  Be happy But what if  the only thing you ever loved Is gone Forever And your heart is broken up into  A million pieces? So hushhh, you Flower What’s gone was never meant to stay No matter how bad  Your heart Yearns to grab it again. The district sleeps As you mourn  tonight All alone. Rhea Batra

Mission1 : Stormbreaker

The story starts with a brief description of Alex Rider, the 14-year-old hero’s situation at the start of the book. When I started reading the book, it started as a peaceful story and the character of Alex Rider in his house was built up so well that I thought I had an image of who he was in my mind; another neighbourhood teenager. As the book progressed, things were not as they appeared at first. This was one charismatic guy! The best part about him was his attitude towards life; he never gives up and can also find his way out of any situation. In this book, his enemies find gruesome ways to kill him but he always comes out victorious. I feel that if I were in shoes, I would have died in the first instance but his ingenuity always gets the better of the bad guys. Alex is an orphan who lived with his secretive uncle Ian Rider and a loving caretaker named Jack. But Alex’s life gets disrupted when he finds out that his uncle has been killed; Jack and Royal & General Bank must t